Campaign overview

Campaigns in the Criteo Retail Media Platform group your ads by their advertising budgets and attribution settings. They are the foundation of your advertising strategy and one of the core pillars of the RMP.

You can view and manage campaigns in the Campaign Section of the platform.

A campaign is characterized by 3 things: name, budget, and attribution model.

Campaigns and line items

Each campaign consists of one or several line items, which group your ads by retailer, dates, format, SKUs and targeting. You can run an ad only after creating a campaign and at least one-line item.

Campaigns and balances

Each campaign is linked to one or several balances, which are the funds available for your ads and indicate how much the ads can spend. You cannot run an ad without creating at least one balance and assigning your campaign to it.

Balances can be managed in the Billing Section of the platform. Note that one balance can be linked to several campaigns.

>> Watch step-by-step campaign creation and edition here!