Unlike Onsite Sponsored Products, Onsite Display campaigns require you to build the creatives before setting up the campaign. The available ad formats will be automatically displayed on the page. This guide provides a detailed overview of all supported ad formats and the guidelines that you should follow.
Guidelines for creating a Video Creative
Our Creative Builder ensures your videos are compliant with the retailer site:
Automatic video compression
Automatic duration
Automatic dimensions
Video Quality Check
Video Ratio Check
Format: MP4
Max size: 300MB
Duration: Recommended 15sec (30 sec max)
Video resolution: 720p or below if the original resolution is lower
Ratios: Depending on the video format implemented
16:9 (horizontal)
1:1 (square)
9:16 (vertical)
Audio: Video with sound preferred (but not mandatory)
Onsite Video Creative Formats
You will need to choose among the following formats. Click on the formats below to learn about the guidelines and specifications.