Organize a Campaign

Use the following guidelines to organize your campaign by brand:

In my account, I have one brand that covers one category
  • You can create one campaign per time period.

  • Include as many line items as needed. These line items represent your strategy. You can group them by products (SKUs), budget cap, pacing, and so on.

  • The engine will benefit from having all line items bundled (more volume), and you benefit from cross line item optimization (also called cross category optimization).

  • Sales attribution is deduplicated across all accounts. This means that a sale can be attributed to a single campaign once for all accounts. For more information, see About Attribution.

In my account, I have one brand that covers multiple categories
  • You can create one campaign per category per time period. Make sure that you don’t have the same SKU in multiple campaigns.

  • Include as many line items as needed in each campaign. These line items represent your strategy for each of your categories (budget caps, optimization, and so on).

  • Each campaign runs on different categories and, as a result, on different SKUs. You can view category-level reporting on the Analytics > Campaign Summary and Activity Dashboard reports.

  • Sales attribution is deduplicated across all accounts. This means that a sale can be attributed to a single campaign once for all accounts. For more information, see About Attribution.


  • You can create one campaign per time period.

  • Include as many line items as needed, grouped by product taxonomy (one line item = one category).

  • The engine will benefit from having all line items bundled (more volume), and you will benefit from cross line item optimization (also called cross category optimization).

  • Sales attribution is deduplicated across all accounts. This means that a sale can be attributed to a single campaign once for all accounts. For more information, see About Attribution.

In my account, I have multiple child brands that cover one or several categories
  • You can create one campaign per brand per time period.

  • Include as many line items as needed in each campaign. Stick to the same campaign’s brand: line items represent your strategy (group by products, budget caps, pacing, and so on).

  • You can view brand-level reporting on the Analytics > Campaign Summary and Activity Dashboard reports.

  • Sales attribution is deduplicated across all accounts. This means that a sale can be attributed to a single campaign once for all accounts. For more information, see About Attribution.