Platform Instability

Users of the Commerce Max and Commerce Yield platforms (formerly RMP) have recently been experiencing higher-than-average platform latency, errors, and timeouts. We’d like to apologize for any disruptions to business operations you’ve experienced due to platform instability. Criteo is committed to the highest-quality user experience.  

We’d also like to reassure you that these errors are not impacting ad delivery but are limited to UI stability and reporting. Although we recognize that this is a suboptimal user experience, there should be no negative impact on revenue. 

We understand how critical this period is to your business, and we’re working tirelessly to improve the quality of your experience: 

  • Beginning at 7:00 UTC on Saturday, October 7, we’ll be conducting maintenance to increase the capacity of our reporting servers to better accommodate platform load. 

    • You’ll be able to access historical data during the maintenance period, but new data will be delayed.  

    • Delayed data will flow into the platform over the course of Sunday, October 8. We expect to be back to the typical near-real time ~8-hour reporting delay by 7:00 UTC on Monday, October 9. 

    • This server improvement is expected to reduce the frequency of reporting/UI errors, providing an improved user experience by Monday morning.  

  • An optimization is planned next week (targeting Tuesday, October 10) for the SSP Revenue Report, which has been identified as a significant cause of platform load. 

    • We're optimistic that this improvement will significantly lower the frequency of issues. 

Thank you for your patience as we work toward a full resolution. Continue to monitor this page for updates on our progress and additional details on steps we are taking to mitigate instability. We’re confident that this work will improve your user experience. 

If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Criteo representative.